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  • Christine

Welcome to My Butterfly Brain

Updated: Jul 30, 2022

Hello all! My name is Christine, and I was diagnosed with Relapsing Remitting Multiple Sclerosis on July 8, 2020.

My plan for this site is to share my journey and everything that goes with it--MS, mental health, and just life in general! I want to normalize talking about things. I suffered with my mental health for years before getting help because it just wasn't something you talked about. I spent years feeling like a failure because life didn't turn out the way I thought it should. But life is a beautiful thing, and my life--yours too--is unique! It doesn't look like other lives because it's not supposed to!

I would not have chosen the MS and Mental Health life for myself. But I can use what I know to help others. And the best way I know how is to start the conversation!

I want to keep this site ad free so will soon be collecting donations to do so. A portion of all profits will be donated to the Multiple Sclerosis Association of America. I have already benefited from their help and many others have as well. I intend to start a fundraising campaign soon as well. Perhaps even a store that carries awareness products. The possibilities are endless!

In the meantime, stick around and listen to me ramble on about life. I'm excited to share! Make sure you subscribe so you never miss a post!

What would you be interested in learning about? Ask me anything!

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